Type in Gujarati - ગુજરાતી માં લખો

English to Gujarati

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English To Gujarati Converter

We thrive on making your life better by creating valuable and accessible tools. We have created an English to Gujarati typing tool to let you type in Gujarati with ease. All you need to do is type in English, and our tool will convert it into Gujarati in just a second. We make sure that you've no stress on your eyes while Typing in Gujarati; we've added Dark mode to the website. The whole process is online, and you don't need to download any software..

Our tool is based on Gujarati Transliteration, which works on Phonetics. It is one of the fastest, accurate, and most straightforward methods to type in Gujarati without needing a Gujarati Keyboard. Gujarati typing is entirely free, along with unlimited characters and words.

If you want to translate text from English to Gujarati you can use your English to Gujarati Translation tool.

If you've a image with Gujarati Text on it, you can use our Gujarati Image to Text. This is the most convenient way to grab text from an image.

How does our Gujarati Typing tool work?

  1. Type in Romanized English in the text box above, and it will be converted to Gujarati as soon as you hit the spacebar. Example: If you want to type the phrase "Kem Chho Tame", you have to type the word into the input box, and it will automatically be converted into "કેમ છો તમે".

  2. Our tools give you suggestions as you type. As you start typing, suggestions will appear in the box; you can select the suggestions using arrow keys and enter.

  3. Any text that you've written will be saved automatically, this can prevent any kind of loss in any case of crash or power shutdown.

Type in Gujarati and share the text on any app or social network like Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, etc. You can also save the written text in Word File, Text file or PDF.

Need of Gujarati Typing Tool

In this digital age, when all of us are limited to pictures, videos, and images on social media, we must retain our power of expression. Our thoughts and emotions are often best expressed in the language of our hearts: our mother tongue.

Our deepest emotions are often expressed in our mother tongue. However, most of us lack the option to communicate in our mother tongue online. But worry no more; we're here with a premium Gujarati typing tool.

Do you want to share festival greetings, poetry, song, or a heartfelt message in Gujarati but don’t know how to type it in Gujarati on your device? We have got the right solution for you. All you have to do is type your Gujarati message in Regular English, and our tool will convert English into Gujarati. Then all you have to do is copy your transliterated message and share it on other applications.

Most electronic devices are influenced by the West in today's world, and they do not contain a multi-language keyboard. This makes Gujarati Typing very difficult for Gujarati speakers. The lack of functionality to type in Gujarati leads to communication failure and misunderstanding as the Gujarati speaker writes the Gujarati using English.

However, with our tool, you can type in Gujarati with ease. Gujarati Transliteration lets you speak your heart out without the risk of your words being misunderstood.

Gujarati Alphabets

Devanagari script (Used to type Hindi, Sanscript, and Marathi) and Gujarati Script are very similar. In Gujarati and Devanagari, alphabets are pronounced similarly. Many characters have the same symbol. The main difference between the Devanagari script and Gujarati Script is that we do not write the line above the letters in the Gujarati script.

  • 11 Vowels - ૧૧ સ્વર : અ આ ઇ ઈ ઉ ઊ એ ઐ ઓ ઔ અં અઃ
  • 33 Consonants - ૩૩ વ્યંજન : ક ખ ગ ઘ ઙ ચ છ જ ઝ ઞ ટ ઠ ડ ઢ ણ ત થ દ ધ ન પ ફ બ ભ મ ય ર લ ળ વ શ ષ સ હ
  • Full Stop - પૂર્ણ વિરામ : ।
  • Numbers in Gujarati - ગુજરાતીમાં નંબર:૧ ૨ ૩ ૪ ૫ ૬ ૭ ૮ ૯ ૦

Gujarati Language

Indian state Gujarat and union territory Dadar Nagar Haveli and Daman Diu speak Gujarati (ગુજરાતી) as their official language. The Gujarati language is spoken by almost 70 million people worldwide (i.e. 7 crore). Gujarati began as a Sanskrit dialect and evolved into a modern Indo-Aryan language.

'Gujarati script' originated from 'Brahmi script'. A Gujarati script is an abugida, which means it is written from left to right. Gujarati and Kutchi are written with it. Gujarati script is similar to Devanagari, however, the letters do not have a line at the top. Gujarati's first grammar was written in the 12th century.

There are 36 consonants and 12 vowels in the Gujarati alphabet. It is written from left to right. There are 48 letters in the Gujarati alphabet.

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